Sunday 24 November 2013

Week Seven - Reflections
New Learning, new ways, new ideas; day after day, week after week! Tomorrow, week eight will start with new expectations, leading to new achievements. This journey has so far been so adventurous, so rewarding. Thanks to our able guide, Courtney Cunningham!

This week’s biggest achievement for me is my deeper understanding of the idea of Learner Autonomy. Before this, I used to discuss with my fellow teachers, in a very narrow sense, about the amount of freedom students should be given in the classroom. I’d never thought that a whole field of study on Learner Autonomy exists, with lots of resources and materials. Our Padlet wall is full of such useful materials and resources on Learner Autonomy. Padlet has been an interesting and wonderful discovery. My students and I have liked it and are already using it.

Teaching in a one computer classroom is what I do in two of my classes and I think it’s really useful in making them more interactive and more learner-centred. Using mobile devices in the classroom is the next think I will be working on, as I think they can prove to be very useful in PBL and can also promote learner autonomy.

The article EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, Going to the MALL: Mobile Assisted Language Learning by George M. Chinnery is very informative and useful for those who intend to implement MALL in their classrooms.

The implementation of the technology related change in my classroom has been so encouraging. Though my students are more excited about using the internet and less about the speaking assignments, it is working like stimulus variation nevertheless. I’ve made some changes related to the use of new technology in my classroom. We will be making use of Padlet in different kinds of integrated activities along with VOCAROO for speaking assignments. Also the students will be doing self-assessment or/and peer-assessment of their audios before my feedback. That will ensure their better involvement in the learning process and prepare a ground for further classroom discussions.

I have paired with Domingo Cadima for peer review of our projects. I’m working late every night preparing the first draft of my project report. It needs a lot of hard work and time. I am very hopeful of bringing drastic technology changes in my classes that can help students in the development of self-awareness, critical thinking, creativity and the sense of responsibility for their own learning.

Goodbye Week Seven; Welcome Week Eight!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blog post, Darshan! It's apparent that you are learning so much each week and directly applying it in your classroom. This is exactly my intention for you.

    I'm so happy to hear that you already introduced your students to Padlet, and that you have found a way to integrate it into your final project. I'm eager to read it and learn all the details of what you've been doing and how your students are responding.

    Thank you for a delightful weekly reflection and for all of your enthusiasm toward the course!

